Understanding Redux with Redux DevTools
19 Nov 2015 - Oskar KlintrotReact • Redux • Redux DevTools
I have spend the week trying to get my head around Redux. Today I finaly starts to feel that I at least got a clue about how Redux works. Also today I found a great blog post with an easy to understand overall explanation of Redux. I liked the flowchart so much that I made my own:
Another great resource for fiddling with Redux is the Redux DevTools. I added it to David Waller's demo app. First I hade to add it as a dependancy to the project:
> npm install --save-dev redux-devtools
Then in index.js
I added the following React components for Redux DevTools:
var DevTools = require('redux-devtools/lib/react').DevTools,
DebugPanel = require('redux-devtools/lib/react').DebugPanel,
LogMonitor = require('redux-devtools/lib/react').LogMonitor;
I had to add it after the provider to make it visible in the browser, the ReactDOM.render()
ended up like this:
<Provider store={store}>
<Router routes={routes}/>
<DebugPanel top right bottom>
<DevTools store={store} monitor={LogMonitor} />
Next up, Redux DevTools also needs to be added to the store so in src/store.js
I added:
// Redux DevTools store enhancers
var devTools = require('redux-devtools').devTools,
persistState = require('redux-devtools').persistState;
Redux DevTools is a store enhancer (basically a middleware) that needs to be added after the rest of the middleware's in order to get the asynchronous stuff that could happen in the other middlewares. I had to do some refactoring and ended up with this:
var finaleCreateStore = Redux.compose(
// Provides support for DevTools:
// Lets you write ?debug_session=<name> in address bar to persist debug sessions
module.exports = finaleCreateStore(rootReducer,initialState());
The source code is of course on github and you can also check out a working example here: http://oskarklintrot.github.io/riastart2015/.
UPDATE: The source code is now here in a different bransch and the gh-pages examplenow have bombs added as of 2015-11-20.
Yours sincerely,
Oskar Klintrot
Tune of the day: